Getting You Inspired


I am starting this blog because I like to communicate to others what inspires me and I think blogging can be a wonderful way. I am not sure how good I am going to be since I am far from being an expert on the internet, but the desire is in me to bring some value and inspiration into your life. This is what I have been doing for many years as a volunteer, but more on a personal level, now I want to learn something new that motivates me to stretch my faith and ability to do things in a new and more innovative way. I am also a professional life coach, but I am not yet practicing it as a profession. I intend to do so as soon as I get freer from different projects that are keeping me busy at the moment.I hope that this blog will be inspirational to you and that you’ll find it helpful in finding here some answers to questions you might have, and if you would like to ask me about anything related to your career or personal life, please do so here for free. 

My vocabulary can be very plain as English is not my first language. I am sure that this is a good way to improve my simple writing skills and because it is the content that counts the most, I will not worry about it too much,  instead I will focus on what I  share  that can be a blessing and inspiration to you.

Maria Ferreira

Comments on: "About" (3)

  1. Just readign through your blog and it is wonderful and very inspirational. I love all you have written so far, and look forward to more. Your writing skills are fantastic, also my mother tongue is not English and I am not so good with expressing myself. So I really love your posts. Keep it up!


    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I am just trying my first blog and don’t feel I am very good at it, but you inspire me to keep it up.
      I also think that your blog is awsome and love the pictures and music. Keep up the good work.


    • Thank you so much! I feel imcapable sometimes and strugle to express myself but refuse to give up. I love the energy and positiveness in your blog. Keep up the good work


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