Getting You Inspired

Energising Affirmations.


I am healthy

I am what I think I am

I am full of energy and bursting with life

I am perfectly made

I am abundant life

I am amazed at my good health

I am overflowing with life

I am all energy

I am irradiating with good health

I am choosing to be healthy

I am eating the right kinds of food to nourish my body properly

I am exercising every day to keep my body healthy and energised

I am thinking healthy and happy thoughts


I am very happy

I am positive all the time

I am inspired and joyful

I am enthusiastic about life

I am surrounded by beautiful people

I am  certain of good things coming into my life

I am hoping always for the best

I am hoping good things to happen

I am standing strong and positive in all circumstances

I am glad and my life could not be better

I am certain of all the possibilities around me

I am always trusting and full of faith

Life’s purpose

I have peace when I live in harmony with my life’s purpose

I am fulfilled and happy when I know I am following my heart’s desires

I am fulfilling my destiny when I follow my heart

I have a mission that only I can accomplish and I have it all within me to make it happen

I am accomplishing all my goals and my dreams are coming through

Nothing will keep me from fulfilling my destiny with success

I find harmony and peace when my life is aligned with my inner desires and dreams

When I am realizing my purpose in life all fears of failure are removed

I was created with special gifts talents and skills to accomplish my purpose in life

I am complete and happy and I am fulfilling my purpose in life with joy

Nothing is impossible when I am doing what I was created to do and that only I can do

Life has real meaning because I am living my life with purpose and intention to fulfil my destiny

I am only expecting success because I have a purpose for my life

Comments on: "Energising Affirmations." (2)

  1. This is lovely, I do my affirmations every day and I will add some of yours. Thank you!


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